Thursday, May 27, 2010


Ouitchia forest, swimming in swimming holes, exploring abandon buildings, stumbling on a pond covered in moss and lily pads, going to a church just for the good old folk music,feeling terrible for stepping on a spider with an egg sack on it's back, then feeling grossed out when all of the spiders came crawling out...then feeling terrible again. finding an abandon house boat that was tipped over in the water, seeing a rainbow, playing video games with great friends, going home to find that I got the latest national geographic issue and I can't recall that I ever ordered it. To end the day I will watch box of moonlight, read a little and do my favorite thing ever. sleep and dream.


  1. Wow, beautiful picture, sounds like such an adventure!!
    From Carys of La Ville Inconnue

  2. i love this picture!

  3. box of moonlight is my favorite movie ever.

    i just found your blog through starr's and i love it. i just looked at a whole bunch of old posts and i have to say, what you wrote about your easter plans is MY FAVORITE THING EVER! i am dying over it and i want to tell everyone about this crazy church. is this kind of thing FOR REAL!? i have to go check out some local churches and see if it exists here too.

    i like your quirkiness. you're rad and you're kind of inspiring me right now. now i'm going to end my day in my favorite way ever too: read a little, sleep and dream.

  4. Beautiful photo! :)

